
Lophoplax sculpta (Stimpson, 1858) ウキボリタコガニ

生息環境: 礁池内の転石下で採集しました.
備考: 特に無し.
参考文献: 前之園唯史, 2019: 日本初記録の3種を含む南日本産ケブカガニ類(甲殻亜門:十脚目:短尾下目)9稀種の報告. Fauna Ryukyuana, 48, 19-44.
  Ng, P.K.L. & D.L. Rahayu, 2023: Review of the pilumnid crab genus Lophoplax Tesch, 1918 from the western Pacific, with descriptions of two new species, and the clarification of the identity of Pseudocryptocoeloma parvus Ward, 1936 (Crustacea: Brachyura). Zootaxa, 5244 (5): 428–454.
ページ作成者: S.T.

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