
Alpheus lanceloti Coutière, 1905 スナカスリテッポウエビ

生息環境: サンゴ礁域の水深10 mほどから採集された個体です.
備考: 特に無し.
参考文献: Banner, A.H., 1959: Contributions to the knowledge of the alpheid shrimp of the Pacific Ocean Part IV. Various small collections from the central Pacific area, including supplementary notes on alpheids from Hawaii. Pacific Science, 13(2): 130–155.
  Coutière, H., 1905: Les Alpheidae. In: J.S. Gardiner (ed.), The fauna and geography of the Maldive and Laccadive Archipelagoes. Being the account of the work carried on and of the Collections made by an Expedition during the years 1899 and 1900. Volume II Part IV. University Press, Cambridge, England: 852–921, pls. 70–87.
ページ作成者: S.T.

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